Wednesday, 18 January 2017

What is this ubiquitous plant called?

This is one of the most ubiquitous plant in Singapore household and also in some offices. I see so many people plant this almost everywhere in Singapore. Almost every HDB corridor has it somewhere, and I see them in offices too. 

Everyone calls this a mint plant. But exactly what mint is it?

mint, cuban oregano plant, common plant, ubiquitous plant
The most common mint plant in Singapore

cuban oregano, extremely common mint
Leaves of the extremely common mint plant
Ask those who plant this, and some will call it African mint, some call it spear mint, some call it apple mint. One thing for sure, we know it's a mint. But exactly what mint is it? This plant is so ubiquitous in Singapore, how can we be so divided in our opinion of what mint it is?

confuse, questions on what type of mint that is
What Mint is this?

The Most Common Domestic Plant here --- Cuban Oregano.

Yes its name is cuban oregano.It's not an oregano, but belongs to the mint family. We are all correct on this --- it's a mint plant.

It has other names such as Spanish thyme, Indian borage, Mexican mint, and Coleus amboinicus.

According to the Encyclopedia of Herbs: A Comprehensive Reference to Herbs of Flavor and Fragrance 2nd ed. by Thomas DeBaggio and Arthur O. Tucker, , (page 403), the Cuban Oregano orignates from India and possibly African (perhaps that's why some call it African mint).

So the mystery is solved. This ubiquitous plant is a mint like what we always know, and it's the Cuban Oregano.

Uses of Cuban Oregano

According to the book Florida's Best Herbs and Spices by Charles R Boning, (see pages 74- 75),  it has been used to substitute oregano in pizzas, flavorings for beans, and as tea (cool this means I am using it for the right purpose).

Some sites also describes them as having medicinal values in treating coughs and so on, such as here and here.

So, next time when you see this common plant, remember it's an Cuban Oregano (or Spanish thyme, Indian borage, mexican mint, Coleus amboinicus). Need some tea, pluck its leave, clean them and immerse in water.


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